Poor communication skills wreak havoc on companies across every industry in the world. When leaders fail to successfully communicate, their effectiveness wanes. Many leaders are given their position based on their extensive knowledge and experience in their field, but their ability to manage and lead others hasn’t been as well developed.
Eric Eisenberg and Sean Mahar are experts in conscious communication and work with both executives and employees on ways to improve organizational communication and overall effectiveness. They authored Stop Wasting Words: Leading Through Conscious Communication as a guide to help leaders understand how to work towards communicating in a way that helps their employees better understand their message.
In this comprehensive guide to conscious communication, you will learn:
The importance of honestly evaluating your current communication style.
The listener’s role in assigning the meaning of your message.
How to consistently respond to others in an objective and productive manner.
Tactics for ensuring employee understanding.
Ways to harness the power of feedback.
How to use company-wide conscious communication to boost success.
Download your free chapter of Stop Wasting Words today and see how conscious communication can improve your leadership ability.
The conscious communication techniques taught in Stop Wasting Words begin with a thorough self-assessment. We’ve created this short digital assessment to help you reflect on your approach to communication and how it affects your leadership success.
Take the Assessment